Martin Luther King Jr. Day at MLK Memorial Center, Freedom Park John Lewis Memorial

 On MLK day I drove down to the Martin Luther King National Memorial. I met Nathan Knight (man with the microphone) who is the president of the DeKalb SCLC. Mr. Knight has dedicated the last 54 years to the cause of civil rights. After speaking to him for about 20 minutes, a motorcycle came up blaring "Stayin' alive" by the Bee Gees. He ran up and shortly called me over and asked me to capture his picture. It was an honor to speak with him and learning about some of the histories that have become sanitized a color-blind to Dr. King’s life and work.

I saved these photos for today because tomorrow begins Black History Month and I wanted to remind people we shouldn't have to wait until Black History Month or MLK Day to learn about these stories that make so many of us white Americans uncomfortable. They should be taught and learned about throughout the year.

On Martin Luther King Day I shared the following “In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” This quote was said at a speech in 1965 when Dr. King was discussing how many Americans did not stand up against the discrimination of people of color and their civil rights. Dr. King would be 90 years old today. We are far from the dream Dr. King had.

George Floyd. Ahmad Arbery. Breonna Taylor. Trayvon Martin. Tamir Rice. Oscar Grant. Sandra Bland. Walter Scott. Philando Castile. Eric Garner.

For my white friends, let us start where we are and have the humility to learn how to do better one step at a time. Let's do the research. Let's make time to listen and learn. Let's not be afraid to ask questions or shy from challenging conversations.

Be bold enough to speak up. Let's not be silent.


Hank Aaron Memorial Service - Truist Stadium. Atlanta, GA


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