The New Frontier of serving with Peace Corps.
Beneficiary of the Community Savings Program. Carrying out its economic activity. (Not my photo)
I’m proud to be part of helping the #PeaceCorps try something new! For the past 12 weeks, I have been working with Peace Corps Peru as a VSP (Virtual Service Pilot Participant) to help Asociación Dignidad Peru as a Financial Education Specialist.
Asociación Dignidad Peru is a nonprofit in the Amazon of Peru that helps women create community banks. They have over 100 women run community banks right now. With these community banks, Dignidad works to give workshops to help these women with financial literacy and other business skills.
During these past 3 weeks, we completed a few goals:
Conducted virtual brainstorm sessions for Dignidad staff members on the economic and social impact of COVID 19 for developing countries like Peru, and underdeveloped regions like Iquitos. The staff members utilized this training to reflect on the potential impact on the organization and the effects on their activities, training, and means to reach the organization’s target population.
•Conducted two Virtual Workshops for Dignidad Peru staff members on micro-credit opportunities, micro-credit management, implementation, development, and sustainable strategies to keep the “Banquitos Comunitarios” (Community Banks) working during financial crises like the one caused by COVID-19.
Guided the organization’s team on how to design a Micro-Credit Implementation Plan for rural micro and small businesses.
For the next month or so, I will be extending my service with Dignidad to help them with some customer engagement and satisfaction strategies.
Peace Corps has changed my life, and I am happy to have been able to give back to not just the Peace Corps but Dignidad and the strong and intelligent women who run the organization.
Please support Dignidad, check out their website and social media.