In Photos: Activists rally against New Atlanta police training facility

Those who oppose the construction of a massive police training facility in DeKalb County gathered at the corner of Baker st NW and Centennial Olympic park DR NW. This Saturday afternoon to rally against cop city.

How can you get involved? Visit Atlanta DSA for more information

Stop Cop City - World of coke-11.jpg

Coco-Cola is funding $80,000,000 for the destruction of Atlanta’s largest forest for an oversized police training facility opposed by the community

Porch’se Miller leading the chant

Porch’se Miller leading the chant

On August 16th, Cop City had been tabled with 8-Yes in favor of tabling vs. the 7-No. This was a massive win for the movement as it allows for another 3-weeks to organize.

The Atlanta Community Press wrote a full report on the history of the Atlanta City Prison Farm which can be read below.

Porch’se Miller speaking to a crowded Pemberton Place on how the funding from Coca-Cola should go into community support and actually helping the needs of the community.

Porch’se Miller speaking to a crowded Pemberton Place on how the funding from Coca-Cola should go into community support and actually helping the needs of the community.


In Photos: National Night Out