Nice to meet you
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines! Sail away from safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.
- H. Jackson Brown Jr. ‘Ps. I love you.’
Andrew J. Clark is an explorer, photographer, creative, and social media lover. Having spent the last 5 years traveling throughout Central and Peru to pursue the farthest expanses of Earth, Andrew works to help nonprofits and businesses break into the digital landscape.
On the side, Andrew can be found taking photos of powerful landscapes, wildlife, and everyday life. Through social media, Andrew strives to share his vision of wild places with millions of people and to inspire them to explore for themselves. Not just the world, but to even begin with their own hometown.
Where it began…
In 2015 I left North Berwick to Nicaragua to serve with the Peace Corps. After an amazing 27 months of Peace Corps, I stayed in Nicaragua and then went onto the Amazon Rainforest in Peru. 5 years later, I am back in North Berwick with a new set of eyes with a fresh perspective, and a camera in my hand. I always have trouble explaining what North Berwick is like to those who don't live in the States. There aren't many photos or videos online that explain or at least show the town. I wanted to create something that I could use to share with my friends overseas to see where I grew up.